Which of the following elements does not form bonds easily because it has a full outer shell? a. Aluminum b. Carbon c. Helium d. Calcium Noble Gas Noble gases are gases that have the outermost shell (valence electrons) fully occ...
Answer and Explanation:1 When going down the group, the number of electrons around the nuclei increases, adding new orbitals to the atom and that increases the size of the... Learn more about this topic: Periodic Table Groups vs. Periods | Properties & History ...
What is the Lewis dot structures and valence electrons for the following:\A.\ CH_2CHCH_3\B.\ ONCl\C.\ OCBr_2\D.\ AsCl_3\E.\ CSe_2 For which of the following atoms do we not try to apply the octet rule? A. Oxygen B. Nickel C. Sodium D. Xenon...
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Why are hydrogen bonds so important in explaining the properties of water? Why is ice the solid form of water? Why does chlorine react readily? What is the reason for ice being less dense than water? How would you separate oil kerosene and water? Why does distillation produce pure water bu...