One day, we could make all our windows out of aerogel—but scientists have to figure out how to make it transparent first! Photo by courtesy of NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). Sponsored linksContents Why do we need insulation? How does heat escape from your home? How heat insulation...
The site has now been renamed NASA Armstrong (for astronaut Neil Armstrong) and does other kinds of cutting-edge space research. Picture courtesy of NASA Glenn Research Center (NASA-GRC) and Internet Archive.Atoms (the building blocks of matter) are much the same. Some large atoms are very ...
Photo courtesy of NASA Glenn Research Center (NASA-GRC). Photo: One small part of a giant library of magnetic tapes! Tape libraries were commonplace well into the 1980s. Although we hear of it much less now, tape is still widely used today. Photo courtesy of the Carol M. Highsmith ...