(bootloader) ro.carrier: tracfone (bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[0]: motorola/fogona_g/fogona:14/U1TFS3 (bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[1]: 4.100-35-1/5203b0-96602e:user/rele (bootloader) ro.build.fingerprint[2]: ase-keys (bootloader) ro.build.version...
Yet, governments have initiated CSR agendas in emerging markets and have required firms to adopt the codes of CSR. China, India, Brazil and South Africa are representative examples. If a positive value relevance of CSR is verified in emerging markets, private firms may also have significant ...
Autophagy can play an important role in IA-related SAH. However, this process seems to have a potential to help brain cells to survive after SAH; on the other hand, an extensive "self-eating" mechanism can result in cellular death. Therefore, the precise role of the balance between the ...