Udo J. Wile, from the University of Michigan, Dr. Hadwen describes that he “bored holes in the skulls of no less than 6 helpless lunatics, who were confined in the Pontiac State Hospital, using apparently only a local anaesthetic for the incisions into the scalp ” (many of us know ...
Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to MACH:Ernst Mach,Mach kernel Category filter: AcronymDefinition MACHMachine MACHMachine Tool(course) MACHMaternal and Child Health(various locations) MACHMachinist ...
Michigan devotes several provisions to the regulation of wolf-dogsin memory of Angie Nickerson, a 5-year-old who was killed by the animal in 1989. Her mother advocated for the passage of legislation to prevent future deaths by wolf-dogs and other potentially dangerous animals. Minnesota Max Pi...
孟府是孟子后裔居住的宅第,北宋宣和三年(1121 年)迁建于今址,现存院落六进,前为官衙(孟氏翰林院五经博士),后为住宅及花园。大堂檐下正中悬挂清 皇帝手书钦赐孟子第六十五世孙孟衍泰“七篇贻矩”堂匾。“七篇”指《孟子》七篇,即《梁惠王》《公孙丑》《滕文公》《离娄》《万章》《告子》《尽心》。
michigan merger melody maude masses mars marble luxury lucky lowered loud loop launched knight keith keeps kay katanga judges joyce johnston john's jail intimate interval intermediate inspection indirect inclined hoag hesitated heroic heritage helpless hatred ham habits governing gentlemen francis forming ...