Medicare is a government-financed single-payer medical insurance program that is available to US citizens or permanent residents aged 65 and over.To receive Medicare, you must be at least 65 years old and you must have worked for a minimum of 10 years in a job that has paid money into th...
Since the sole proprietorship and its owner are considered identical, a sole proprietor can generally be defined as a small business when it comes to qualifying for a small business health insurance plan; however, if you have no employees but yourself, then your sole proprietorship will likely no...
When running a business, employers must understand the ins and outs of payroll taxes. If you’re an employer starting to hire workers for your small business, you’re likely already familiar with Social Security and Medicare payroll taxes. But, there’s another tax that you may be responsible...
Some HSAs require a minimum deposit before you can start investing and a cash minimum that is always available and uninvested. A provider may require a $1,000 deposit before you can invest, for example, and $1,000 in cash. If you have $1,100 in that account, you could only invest ...