Cerberus Fossae, taken by theMarsReconnaissance Orbiter. They’ve found a spot where boulders have tumbled down cliffs near the fault; what’s interesting is that they are primarily found in one location, best explained by marsquakes rather than melting ice and avalanches. This grouping of boulde...
A new analysis of marsquakes measured by NASA’s InSight lander indicates Mars has a solid inner core – but other researchers say the evidence is thinBy James Dinneen13 January 2025 The structure of Mars’s core could solve some mysteries about the Red Planet Shutterstock/AlexLMX Mars may h...
Yet the InSight Mars Lander (a technical marvel made possible by an international spacefaring effort) has recorded more than 1,300 seismic "quakes" on Mars since the vehicle arrived there in 2018. After learning all that, do you still want to see this planet for yourself? You might have ...
'Marsquakes' may solve 50-year-old mystery about the Red Planet Latest Can cold weather make you sick? See more latest ► Most Popular Time-lapse of 1st black hole ever imaged reveals how matter swirls around it Earth's elusive 'ignorosphere' could shed new light on auroras Scientists di...