If y = (x + 3)^2 , then (-2x - 6)^2 must equal which of the following: a. -4y^2 b. -2y^2 c. -4y d. 4y If log_y (x) = 15 and In x = 5, then ln y is equal to which of the following: a) 1/3 b) -3 c) 3 d) -1/3 e) 1 ...
If the Trapezoidal Rule is used with n = 5, then \int_0^1 \frac{dx}{1 + x^2} is equal, to three decimal places, to . Use Euler's numeric method to obtain a six decimal approximation of y(3). Use h = 0.1, y' = 5 - 3 (y)^{0.5}, y (0) = 2. Use the linear appr...
Using the factor scores from the first principal component as weights, an index of quality of health service is constructed for each health facility with a mean equal to zero and a standard deviation equal to one. A summary of the quality of care scores and results from the PCA by country...
(c) For what value(s) of {eq}b {/eq} does {eq}\lim_{x \rightarrow -1}f(x) {/eq} exist? Lateral Limits: In some cases, when we study the behavior of a function f (x) at a point {eq}\displaystyle\,x_0 , {/...
After estimating the cost function for each country of our sample and separating between the Islamic and conventional financial sector, we can now measure the marginal cost (MC) of each bank, which is equal to the first derivative of the cost function regarding the bank output measured here by...
I passed both the horizontal and vertical instruction lists into a zip function that paired them into an infinite list of tuples, and then I took from that list of tuples a number of elements equal to the count I had calculated earlier. Finally for each pair I took the two elements and...
Find \int_{\gamma} z^{-1} dz and \int_{\gamma} \bar{z} dz for the circular path \gamma (t) = 3 e^{it}, 0 less-than or equal to t less-than or equal to 2 \pi . Explain how a r c s i n ( s i n ( 3 p i ) ) = 0 . Supp...
To what value does the power series of e power x converge to? What are all the values of x for which the series x - x^2/2 + x^3/3 - x^4/4 + ... converges? a. -1 lessthanorequalto x lessthanorequalto 1 b. -1 lessthanorequalto x less...