背景: 真机是win10的,通过VMware Workstation Pro虚拟化出来一台Rocky Linux release 8.10 (Green Obsidian),在创建虚拟机的时候出现以下报错: 错误:不支持的配置:Emulator '/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm' does not support virt type 查了半天没发现问题,尝试把VMware Workstation Pro的cpu虚拟机引擎开启,问题解决 关机...
Linux OS - Version Oracle Linux 8.0 and later: Oracle Linux: VM Start Failed with "error: unsupported configuration: Emulator '/usr/libexec/qemu-kvm' does not suppor
on your host, install adb (and an Android emulator if appropriate) docker-compose build android-dexcalibur docker run --rm -it --net=host -v /tmp/dexcalibur:/shared -p 8000:8000 dexcalibur:2023.01 /bin/bashA.2 Launch dexcalibur
I'm not saying "do not", but I am saying set your expectations MUCH lower for getting games to work on Linux. If it does not have a Linux binary, or isn't known to use a Linux native (eg Unity) game engine, then any mucking around you do with WINE or DXVK or Proton is as c...
emulator -avd Medium_Desktop_API_34 -no-snapshot-save -no-snapshot-load -selinux permissive -verbose -show-kernel |& grep -i -e 'kernelsu\|ksu' [ 0.231606][ T1] ksuinit::init[1]: Hello, KernelSU! [ 0.232119][ T1] ksuinit::init[1]: KernelSU version: 0 [ 0.232632][ T1] ksu...
The easy solution for everything is to replace the missing files, but this can be difficult if/libis deleted because we won’t haveld-linux, which is needed to run any dynamic executable. When you deleted/lib, all non-static executable (such asls,cat,etc, will output): ...
Smartfaceoffers an in-browser app simulator and emulator for iOS and Android. The cool part about this tool is that you can run iOS apps without macOS. It works on Macs, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, and any operating system. You can use Smartface to run and test a wide range of different...
> strive achieve the same goals as a linux distribution. > > I spoke to the professor for this course and he advised me that Android-x86 > was a challenging subject to use for this project, but that it was an > acceptable one. ...
Encounter of java.io.IOException: Absence of file or directory in android 11 Solution 1: Creating directories or files in the root of external storage is not possible on an Android 11 device. However, you have the ability to access all existing public directories. ...
I did not investigate the iOS version further, apart from the big binary size, the other reason is that I only have an iPhone 5S which is already too slow to run the Pokemon GO game. Android version of the game In the Android version, Niantic employs SafetyNet so that changing the APK...