With a knack for bringing others together, a Leo pup will make their rounds and introduce everyone at the dog park with ease. Just don't make them compete for your attention - Leo needs to be the top dog in your life. Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Neat, curious, and analytical....
Leo Sun/Pisces Moon When the ambition and enthusiasm ofLeomeet the compassion and generosity of Pisces, the result is a dynamic and expressive personality. These magnetic individuals were born chivalrous, and they have a deep desire to inject romance into all facets of their lives. In fact, pe...
Leo Rising It’s a dream-building kind of season, Leo rising. Let’s look ahead. Let’s give yourself permission to touch those whispers that call your name, those potentials at the heart of it all, those ideas that keep moving through your awareness. What are they? Where do they desir...
February 27 | Moon Enters Pisces; New Moon in Pisces March 1 | Venus Retrograde in Aries; Moon Enters Aries Mars Direct Marshas been in its perceived backward spin of retrograde since December 6, 2024. As it moved through Leo and Cancer, the planet of action and expression turned inward a...
LEO Regardless of local health directives, we all wear masks. None of us is quite what we seem, all the time. But despite knowing this, when the Leo mask slips, it's somehow more shocking. Perhaps it's because your glow is so golden? How can the world bask in it if you turn down...
There's nothing wrong with that — Leo Moons are famously good at self-expression and self-love, which is always a good thing — but when you're out of balance, you tend to get a little self-absorbed and need a lot of love and attention in order to feel good. A goo...
then you love the spotlight and will do almost anything to be the center of attention. There's nothing wrong with that — Leo Moons are famously good at self-expression and self-love, which isalwaysa good thing — but when you're out of balance, you tend to get a littl...
How toKnow if a Scorpio Man Likes You What Sign is Leo’s Soulmate? Top Matches & Why They Work How toMake an Aquarius Man Addicted to You 11 Ways a Pisces Man Tests You (and How to React) How toGet a Gemini Man to Chase You How toAttract a Taurus Man SexuallyReferences...
Attract a Leo Man Sexually What Sign is Leo’s Soulmate? Top Matches & Why They Work How toGet a Taurus Man to Chase You 12 Tips to Make a Capricorn Man Chase You 11 Ways a Pisces Man Tests You (and How to React) How toKnow if a Scorpio Man Likes You How toMake an ...