PSLCPittsburgh Science of Learning Center PSLCPrivate Sector Liaison Committee PSLCParallel Sysplex License Charge(IBM) PSLCPolymer-Stabilized Liquid Crystal PSLCPublic Sector Liaison Council PSLCPuget Sound LIDAR (Light Distance and Ranging) Consortium(Washington) ...
PSLPolice School Liaison(various locations) PSLProduct Support Lead(various companies) PSLPATROL Script Language(BMC Software) PSLProduttori Svizzeri di Latte PSLPhotographic Science Laboratory(US Navy) PSLPressure Sensitive Label PSLParallel Track Single-Unit Long-Range Aid to Navigation(Long Range Navigat...
Malignant skin cancers have a much lower inci- dence than, say, lung cancer (by roughly an order of mag- nitude) and so detecting a sun-related signal affecting a small portion of the study population would be almost im- possible. Given this flaw in the case identification scheme, it ...
environment immediately surrounding a girl's residence, the environment that a girl may frequent outside of this circumscribed area (e.g., access to recreation in the school environment) was not accounted for in this investigation and may have contributed to the ethnic differences in our findings...
However, tubular access scaffolding, while considered a very high-risk product, does not have a product safety directive requiring specific compliance from manufacturers [8,10], even though the EU Council stated in its common position on 23 March 2001, with a view to the adoption of an EU ...
BTBlair-Taylor(Wisconsin school district) BTBloodthirster(gaming) BTBreak Track BTBering Time(GMT-1100) BTBlack Tapestries(webcomic) BTBattalion Training BTBiomedical Times(resource) BTBad Temperament(referring to pet personality) BTBreak Transmission ...
of St Luke's Anglican School, claimed silver in the girls' 11 years 800m in a time of 2:23.84, beaten by just 0.77sec by Tiarna Mason, of New South Wales.But she also savoured gold as a member of her age 800m medley relay team, together with Maggie Monckton, Johanna Biddle and ...
Increasing evidence suggests that inflammatory and immune components in brain are important in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and anti-inflammatory and immunotherapeutic approaches may be amenable to AD treatment. It is known that complement activation occurs
For instance, at least three articles have tied academic achievement to school greenness [26–28], and another thirteen articles have tied mental health to residential greenness [18] with buffer analyses. Albeit, the mechanisms by which greenness improves these outcomes may be different than those ...
These building efforts managed to slow the migration of middle-school graduates to high scho ols outside of the Chicago public schools. The big stick: school reform in Chicago depended on setting standards and promoting systemwide improvement. (Feature) Needless to say, this edition will henceforth...