Its skin is covered in scales, with dragon fruit’s taste stemming from the center of the fruit. Inside, you’ll also find lots of tiny black seeds, which are also edible. For some people dragon fruit tastes like a mix between a pear and a kiwi and for other like kiwi and melon. T...
The lectins in raw tomatoescan be reduced by removing the seeds, but nothing can be done about the lectins in raw peppers. If you're very sensitive to lectins, raw peppers may have to come out of your diet. Because raw corn is relatively high in lectins, avoid it if you're very sens...
Try to soak and cook your beans and grains thoroughly, don’t have iron containing foods or supplements with tea and coffee and to increase absorption pair iron sources with vitamin C containing foods (citrus fruit, kiwi, strawberry, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts). Calcium (daily...
As an IBS diet, the FODMAP diet does not have a 100% success rate for everyone who tries it. Many will have a reduction in symptoms but may want to explore other avenues to combine with diet. Two alternative therapies are hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, which may help with t...
Chicken soup appears to help fight colds in at least two research studies. It helps clear nasal congestion as well as thin mucus so you can better cough it up. Also, research shows it may have a mild anti-inflammatory effect that can help easecold symptoms. ...