Wanna Stay" makes it impossible to ignore as one of Jason Aldean's top songs. Some fan polling and an assessment of the Top 5 on our list favored a few others more than this Kelly Clarkson duet. It's arguably her song more than his, if only because of her vocal power and presence....
She doesn't flinch once, no matter the musical challenge: she's just as capable whether she's addressing her considerable vocal talents to acoustic songs like "Stray Paper" or "Laid a Highway," or roots rockers including "Wait It Out," "Write My Ticket" and "Late Night Pilgrim." ...
a singer known more as a stylist than a crooner, proves he can keep up with anyone. While thematically different, "If I Didn't Love You" is fairly compared to "Don't You Wanna Stay," his crossover hit with Kelly Clarkson.