Now,muscleburns energy more efficiently than fat. This means that by losing muscle, you're essentially slowing down your metabolism. ... The minute a sedentary lifestyle sets in, this natural muscle begins to disappear. The inevitable result – weight gain in the late 20s that keeps escalating...
Should you drink more water when taking prednisone? Fluid retention can cause weight gain but as steroids are reduced, fluids will usually reduce as well, along with some of the weight gain. Drinking plenty of water and exercising can help with fluid retention....
Dr. Joelle Cafarosuggests "opting for more nutritious (and less processed) dairy options like plain yogurt and kefir" as an alternative to drinking cow's milk, as these products are still yummy but are less likely to make you break out....
• Add fermented foods to your meals. The beneficial bacteria in these healthful foods can support your digestion and provide detoxification support, which helps lessen the fructose burden on your liver. Some of the best choices include kimchi, natto, organic yogurt and kefir made from grass-fed...
The most essential number is your second test result number 6-8 weeks after your first TEST (not your result.) This will tell you if what you’re doing is working or if you need to make some changes or additions. Remember that generally, a ’49′ means you no longer have cancer (sta...