Judaism believes that Moses was the greatest of all prophets. Prophets are humans who have raised themselves to a high level. Prophecy comes to a righteous person who has greatly developed his character in the service of Hashem. Some very few people, like the Prophet Samuel, were able to dev...
Christianitydeveloped out of Second Temple Judaism in the 1st century CE. It is founded on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and those who follow it are called Christians. Islam developed in the 7th century CE. What is Judaism origin? Judaism emergedfrom the belief...
This gross ignorance of Catholicism and Orthodoxy also extends to Judaism. The idea that Jews couldn’t pray directly to God is a strangely common misconception given how replete the Bible is with examples of Jewish people praying directly to God. It’s true that the Jews had ...
Joseph: A Death and Resurrection Figure in the Old Testament and Second Temple Judaism The story of Joseph has enjoyed immense popularity in both parochial and secular contexts and yet it continues to perplex most modern biblical scholars. Why is this material found here in the patriarchal accounts...
[xli]In Judaism the book of Ruth is thought to exemplify the virtue of gemilut- hasadim or “unbounded charity toward others.” The fact that this book is read during the liturgical season that celebrates the giving of the law indicates that the Jewish tradition was not ignorant of the dee...
Maybe even part of the born again crowd? Speaking of words and their meanings, here's a fun little snippet for you. The phrase "born again" is a KJV mistranslation of Greek gennao anothen, which actually means "born above." In Jesus's Judaism, humans don't go to heave...
Which is the real religion in the world? The world's primary religions fall into two categories: Abrahamic religions, such asChristianity, Judaism, and Islam; and Indian religions, which include Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and others. Of the world's major religions, Christianity is the largest...
and the Old Testament sacrificial system. To turn back from Christ to these, he argues, is to "harden your hearts" (3:8), to "shrink back" (10:38), to lack the faith of the heroes of Judaism (chapter 11), and of Jesus himself, who braved persecution and death for the "hope tha...
The Mormons will also use the term Trinity, as does modalist preacher T.D. Jakes. But that does not make any of them Trinitarian, any more than the Jehovah's Witnessess using the terms "Jesus Christ" or "Son of God" means that they believe in the real Jesus of the Bible. They ...
The Mormons will also use the term Trinity, as does modalist preacher T.D. Jakes. But that does not make any of them Trinitarian, any more than the Jehovah's Witnessess using the terms "Jesus Christ" or "Son of God" means that they believe in the real Jesus of the Bible. They ...