The Burial of Jesus: What Does History Have to Do with Faith?
According to many scholars,Golgotha and the ancient site of Mount Moriah may be the same area. In other words, scholars believe that Jesus may have been crucified near Moriah or at its summit. Who carried Jesus Cross? (Mt. 27:32) As they led him away, they seized a man,Simon of Cyre...
Sermon on the Mount E32 – In his fourth teaching on relationships and conflict in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus encourages his listeners to ask God for what they need. Because the three previous teachings don't directly tell us how to respond in specif
most Christians adopt a period of fasting, repentance, prudence, and spiritual development. The meaning of the Lenten season is to use this time for reflection on Jesus Christ, to recognize his affliction and his atonement, his life, death, burial, and resurrection. ...
In order to be in the Lamb’s Book of Life, you have to have accepted Christ during your life by placing faith in His death, burial, and resurrection. For individuals who did not place faith in Jesus, they will be cast into the Lake of Fire along with Satan, the antichrist, and ...
Please put on a cassock, learn to genuflect for Jesus Christ, and put down the microphone. We are Catholic! — Dr Taylor Marshall™? (@TaylorRMarshall) January 27, 2025 UPDATE: Apparently the emeritus of Washington was there. THAT figures. Studied liturgy in...
When you are the lucky one and on the receiving end of someone’s kindness never miss the chance to acknowledge them. Don’t ever take a single kindness for granted. Treat each one special like it’s the first one you have ever received. People have shown pretty consistent to claim that...
Nineteen months later, young Gomez was joined by his father, Manuel Gomez, who received a life sentence for the 1943 New Year’s Day murder of Jesus Garcia in Carlin, Nevada. Both men, along with several others, were part of a railroad crew working at the time in the small town twenty...
The picture that most of us have of cherubim??chubby babies with wings??is pretty far off from what the Bible is trying to tell us about God?s heavenly space. Eden was a picture of God?s ideal??human and heavenly space intermingling??and Jesus is a representation of that. In fact,...
burial and resurrection of Jesus. In fact, the Greek word that is translated “due time” in this verse means literally, “at the appropriate occasion”. This means that there was something about Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross for sinful man (the ransom) that at a later, more appropriate ...