And lustrous eyes...", it is written in Arabic as "bi hoori-aayn". This same word was used for Jesus' (peace be upon him) disciples (al-hawariyyun as plural...hur or huri or houri as singular), which both (al-hawariyyun) and (hoori-aayn) are both derived from the Arabic wo...
“Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the Greeks,repentance toward God, andfaith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”Acts 20:21 (KJB) In the Church Age, there are no works attached to or associated with a lost sinner becoming born again, it is all a work of the LORD. He provides t...
The air was filled with incense, the light was soft and gold, and dozens of people took turns approaching the icons that lined the church’s wall to kiss them or lean their heads against Jesus Christ’s feet. The service was led by the booming voice of Father Vsevolod Chaplin, one of ...