thenReturn(new URL("{tenant}")); when(configuration.getOauthTenant()).thenReturn("rfr"); when(configuration.getOauthConfig()).thenReturn(new Configuration.OAuthConfig( new URL("http://localhost:8080/callback"), "collector-test", "SECRET", new URL("https://...
Click on security realms > myreams > user and group BISystemUser > Passwords ii) Change password in EM: Weblogic Domain > right click on bifoundation_domain > Security > Credentials > > system.user > Edit > change the password d) Now stop your Admin ...
Jenkins also supports security for its internal user database. These features are accessed through the Jenkins web UI. Jenkins supports two security realms: the Security Realm and the Authorization Realm. The Security Realm lets an operator decide who has access to Jenkins, ...
Despite their apparent benefits over everyday LAN worlds or Minecraft Realms, Minecraft servers can be quite complicated, challenging, and expensive to set up, depending on what path you go down to get it up and running. You will need a device capable of running an extensive program with mult...
We really need this issue to be fixed in our project. We are not using Spring, but an Ini configuration with realms injected by Google Guice. I've patched the code to support LInkedHashMap instead of Properties. You can see the patch attached. ...