2003. 1000 Man Nin Imin Ukeire Kōsō: Nihon o ‘Akogare no Kuni’ ni Shitai [A Plan to Admit Ten Million Immigrants: Let’s Make Japan ‘A Country to Long For’]. Voice 142–49. Google Scholar Givens, Terri, and Adam Luedtke. 2005. European Immigration Policies in Comparative ...
We argue how integration through bi-national marriage only perpetuates the structural hierarchy that premiers and maintain the status of the (male) native Japanese majority over Asian immigrants.Kikuko NagayoshiInstitute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, JapanSayaka Osanami Trngren...
” and we called all immigrants from infants to subadults sired byGentilorMartial“immigrant immature(s).” In addition, we referred to adult females residing in the Nidai Group before the social upheaval (i.e., the mother of natal immatures) as “senior” female(s), and we do...
R. Are immigrants favorably self-selected? Am. Econ. Rev. 89, 181–185 (1999). Article Google Scholar Hartsuiker, R. J., Pickering, M. J. & Veltkamp, E. Is syntax separate or shared between languages? Cross-linguistic syntactic priming in Spanish–English bilinguals. Psychol. Sci. 15...
Border Security. Another huge weakness of Biden/Harris was to greatly relax security at oursouthern borderwith Mexico. We are already taking in a million new immigrants legally each year and we need even more to meet our large labor shortage. But letting undocumented immigrants pour over the bor...
While the book contains detailed descriptions of questions 1-3 with pros and cons for each, Question 4, the one asking voters if they want to keep or repeal a recently enacted state law that grants a Massachusetts driver's license to illegal aliens, is not included in the publication. ...
And it’s also something to do with what Eric Schmidt, the executive chairman of Google’s parent company Alphabet, said when he decided to base the company’s second HQ in Toronto: “You guys are home for immigrants – excellent.” Indeed, at a moment where bigotry has entered national ...
Italy has become one of the main entry points in Europe for immigrants seeking a better life, with more than 85,000 migrants - mostly from Africa and the Middle East - reaching the country so far this year via the Mediterranean. However, many of the boats are not seaworthy and the United...
TOKYO (AP) — Japan, one of the most earthquake-prone nations on earth, issued its first-ever “megaquake advisory” last week after a powerful quake struck off the southeastern coast of the southern main island of Kyushu.
Yes Michigan has it’s own little Holland with a clean and modern main street with a touch of the real Holland including Wind Mill and Dutch immigrants. Whilst there you must pop to Lake Michigan and visit Holland Harbor Light also known as Big Red due to it’s bright red paintwork, fol...