Further, countries that rely on international students and tourism and have a high number of expatriates living and working abroad might be even less likely to close their borders or implement travel restrictions to avoid (1) increases in support payments or decreases in tax income during times ...
In a healthcare setting, when would it make sense to use a flexible budget as compared to a forecast budget? Do U.S. legislators have any real incentive to balance the Federal budget and begin to pay back the staggering debt? In the United States, the government has ___ money to spen...
Why does Italy have such a big debt? Would you say its economy is in a good or bad situation? Why doesn't the US government erase the debts of people who die? Why do they still bill the deceased family for the debt? Why do banks (depositories) have ...
ITALYCLINICAL competenceNURSE practitionersNURSESNURSING practiceNURSING educationNURSING specialtiesGRADUATE nursing educationOCCUPATIONAL rolesMASTERS programs (Higher education)In England about two million people are living with and beyond cancer, a figure that is expected to increase to more than three ...
Those killed were believed to have been stuck in the hold of the boat, spokesman Costantino Fantasia said. The navy said 300 people have been rescued during the operation so far. Italy's ANSA news agency reported that the boat was located about 33km off Libya's coast and was holding ...
A proximity effect has been invoked to explain the enhanced activity of enzyme cascades on DNA scaffolds. Using the cascade reaction carried out by glucose oxidase and horseradish peroxidase as a model system, here we study the kinetics of the cascade reaction when the enzymes are free in solutio...
Good Trudeau may have some travails at home but he’s still a big winner overseas. Bad He’s making cuts to the aid budget at a moment when he could be eclipsing bigger nations. Just say ‘non’ The soft power of the contrarian. by Sophie Grove It started at this summer’s Nato su...
In particular, healthcare professionals need to understand whether and how patient experience data can more pertinently inform the design of service delivery from a patient-centred perspective when compared with other indicators. This study aims to explore whether timely patient-reported data could ...
Participants that reported not having good health in the previous twelve months were 85% more likely (p < 0.001) to report a negative impact on their life compared to those who perceived themselves to be in good health. Finally, compared to UK residents, those in Italy were 59% more ...
The COVID-19 outbreak forced national governments to the adoption of social distancing and movement limitation measures aimed to reduce the diffusion of the virus and to mitigate its highly disruptive impact on the healthcare systems. Reduced income, job insecurity, distribution system interruptions, ...