told CBS News. "If Israel did it, it has to take into account that Hezbollah will retaliate, and we are escalating to a kind of a war — short, long, I don't know — but a war."
The Lie now being spread by the enemies of the Jewish People, has a life of its own. A life that states the land of Eretz Israel does not belong to the Jewish People. Nor do they have any right to live in Eretz Israel at all. A lie that places the failure of the peace process ...
Israel's behaviour has not been exemplary, in the last several years its treatment of Palestinians has been as bad as the suicide bombers. But despite the emotional hatred in the region, Israel's economy depends on low-wage Palestinian workers and Palestine depends on Israel for jobs. Even wi...
Harrison,TheResurgenceof Anti-Semitism:Jews,Israel,andLiberal Opin-ion(Lanham:Rowman&Littlefield,2006);N. Cohen,What’sLeft?:HowLiberals LostTheir Way(NewYork: HarperPerennial,2007); D. Hirsh,“Anti-ZionismandAntisemitism:CosmopolitanReflections,”inTheYalePapers:Antisemitismin ComparativePerspective,ed...
Hear, O My people, and I will speak unto you, O Israel, and I will testify to you if you hear me,there shall be in you no new god, nor shall you worship an alien god, for I am the Lord your God who led you out of the land of Egypt. ...
While some evaluation frameworks exist, effectiveness is mostly demonstrated through the use of case studies [12]. Despite mounting interest, there is limited evidence and guidance for co-produced chronic disease prevention interventions in the general population [13], and to our knowledge, there are...
The role of the food supply chain is similar to the bridge in Heidegger’s theory, and the social network did not exist in urban agriculture. Thus, the authors attempted to build the bridge to push social networks, the people, agriculture, and the communities into a single entirety (Figure...