request.unconsumedParams().stream().filter(p -> !responseParams().contains(p)).collect(Collectors.toCollection(TreeSet::new));// validate the non-response paramsif(!unconsumedParams.isEmpty()) {finalSet<String> candidateParams =newHashSet<>(); candidateParams.addAll(request.consumedParams());...
Thanks for your contribution. github-actionsbotclosed this ascompletedMar 12, 2024 So it took us some time to make an example that is as simple as possible and represents our app as good as possible, so there you go, step-by-step: ...
Algorithms.isEmpty(fileName)) { File f = app.getAppPath(IndexConstants.GPX_INDEX_DIR + fileName); if (f.exists()) { GpxDataItem item = app.getGpxDbHelper().getItem(f); if (item != null) { // && item.isApiImported()) { // disable imported check Algorithms.removeAllFiles(f); ...
s.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(), s.IsNullOrEmpty, s.IsEmpty()(这些方法都属于自定义的扩展方法,无法被EF直接解析为SQL语句) 如a => a.FullName.IsNullOrWhiteSpace() 可以改写为:a => a.FullName != null && a.FullName.Length > 0 [TestMethod]publicvoidDataSourceGetOneTest(){stringhost ="localHost"; ...
= null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(clientIP)) { srvedIPs = service.getSelector().select(clientIP, srvedIPs); } if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(srvedIPs)) { if (Loggers.SRV_LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { Loggers.SRV_LOG.debug("no instance to serve for service: {}", serviceName); } if (...
Check for blank space inside text box Check for empty or blank lines while reading a text file Check for open Excel file in all running instances of Excel using VB Check if a program is installed Check if an excel file is opened by another user Check if dataset values are NULL Check i...
Collection<PotionEffect> collection;if(!collection.isEmpty()) {; GlStateManager.enableBlend();inti =0;intj =0;for(PotionEffect potioneffect : Ordering.natural().reverse().sortedCo...
public boolean isEmpty() { return queue.isEmpty(); } } class SQLiteMutationQueue { private final SQLitePersistence db; @Override public boolean isEmpty() { return db.query("SELECT batch_id FROM mutations WHERE uid = ? LIMIT 1")
@AutowiredprivateEurekaInstanceConfigBeaneurekaInstanceConfig;publicvoidcheckServiceRegistration(){StringappName=eurekaInstanceConfig.getAppname();if(appName==null||appName.isEmpty()){thrownewRuntimeException("Service is not registered with Eureka");}} ...