(2009), Does Interbank Borrowing Reduce Bank Risk?, in: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 41, 491-506.Dinger, Valeriya, Von Hagen, Jurgen, 2009. Does Interbank Borrowing Reduce bank Risk? Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 41, 491-506....
Given that branches form an integral part of the parent bank, one could expect that in the case of a capital requirement tightening, the parent bank might find it easier and swifter to reduce lending provided by its foreign branches (relative to its subsidiaries) in order to meet a given ...
d. the interest rate the World Bank char To decrease the interest rate, what could the Federal Reserve do? The rate is the interest rate banks charge each other for borrowing or storing money. a. Federal Reserve interest b. loan interest c. federal f...
„Does Interbank borrowing Reduce Bank Risk?", Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, forthcomingDinger, V. i von Hagen, J. (2008.): Does Interbank Borrowing Reduce Bank Risk?, CEPR Discussion Paper, br. DP6635Dinger, V. and J. von Hagen, 2008. „Does Interbank borrowing Reduce Bank...
Valeriya DingerJuergen von HagenFree University of Berlin, Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Bonn, University of Mannheim, University of MunichDinger V, Von Hagen J (2007) Does interbank borrowing reduce bank risk? Discussion paper series of SFB/TR 15 Governance and the efficiency of ...
Household incomes, their level and dynamics are one of the factors that ensure the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. At the same time, stable development of the banking sector, which is impossible without steady earnings, determines econo