In fact, both China and the U.S. are facing the common dilemma of how to address the lack of effective demand. The rapid growth of the global economy in the first decade of the 21st century was based on a circula...
Improved access to domestic markets reduces prefecture population, GDP, population growth and wages paid by private sector firms on average, although GDP effects are not significant. However, these average effects mask differences in how roads affect prefectures at different positions in the regional ...
but extreme competition can hurt a child. The behavior of the parents and how they raise their children extremely affect how a child handles competition. Children are not born with a competitive urge they must learn it from their parents and through experiences. Competition can be good for child...
If the cause of a posture is baked into your anatomy, trying to change it is going to hurt more than help, or it will just be futile. If your posture is caused by adaptation to a shortened leg bone dating back to a motorcycle accident twenty years ago, you aren’t going to have ...
HUBER: To me, it suggests that Germany probably would have done even better if it had not lost that amazing human capital of Jews. The fundamental drivers of economic growth are ideas, innovation, good people. And these are the ones that clearly weren’t quite there to the same extent any...
Jack Hough: Well, there are some contrast because it's largely rich people going to the Alps in January to talk about global warming and inequality. So there are opportunities. If you want to be a person who just writes a column taking shots like that, you can be that person. Guess ...
the power ceases to exist. At that point, those in power are required to use force, but Gandhi saw that if he and his fellow Indians could stand with dignity as they received the blows, those giving the blows would hurt more than those receiving them, for it would awaken their hearts ...
At an event in Manchester, New Hampshire earlier this week, Clinton said that if the Iran deal isn't approved, "all bets are off" -- and it would hurt the United States' standing with China and Russia. As secretary of state in 2010, "I went to work to persuade Russia, China to st...
It’s worth thinking about this in contractarian terms. A rich person, minus the veil of ignorance, wouldn’t support everyone pitching in to help the poor, because he knows he’s not poor and so gains nothing. A rich person, minus the veil of ignorance,wouldsupport a binding pact among...
HUBER: To me, it suggests that Germany probably would have done even better if it had not lost that amazing human capital of Jews. The fundamental drivers of economic growth are ideas, innovation, good people. And these are the ones that clearly weren’t quite there to the same extent ...