Roy: I'm a big advocate of the Indigo Girls getting in the Hall. Out of the ones you brought up, I think Shangri-Las is the most likely to get a nomination sometime soon. They are the sort of under-the-radar group that tends to get randomly nominated, and they have a legacy inso...
You might have thought that he would be rather an unpopular monarch, given that he had an ongoing affair throughout his first marriage with the woman who ultimately became his second wife; that he behaved like a monster towards Diana; that he behaved very badly towards his children; that he...
CIALCochin International Airport Limited(India) CIALCorporación de Investigación en Agricultura Alternativa(Spanish: Corporate Research on Alternative Agriculture; Chile) CIALChristchurch International Airport Limited(New Zealand) CIALCentro de Investigaciones del Altiplano(Guatemala) ...