Ramendra Singh is currently working as Associate Professor of Marketing at IIM Calcutta. He completed his PhD in marketing from IIM Ahmedabad, MBA from XLRI Jamshedpur, and B.Tech (Mechanical Engg) from IIT-BHU. His research interests include, CSR, Marketing to Bottom of Pyramid, and Sales Ma...
https://faculty.iima.ac.in/∼iffm/Indian-Fama-French-Momentum/four-factors-India-90s-onwards-IIM-WP-Version.pdf Google Scholar Baker et al., 2011 M. Baker, B. Bradley, J. Wurgler Benchmarks as limits to arbitrage: Understanding the low-volatility anomaly Financial Analysts Journal, 67 (...
At the eennd ooff tthhee eexxppeerriimmeenntt, aallll ppaarrttiicciippaants 11 lleeaarrnn tthheeiirr ttyyppee.. All participants 2 learn their participant 1's type—no matter whether they have learned the type before. Also, all participants are infoorrmmeeddwwhheeththeerrananintienrtae...