A. The future of gardening is WILD B. Nature treats all lives as EQUALS C. Matrix gardens need more CARE D. Old garden plots work WONDERS D As new technologies take on increasingly humanlike qualities, there’s been a push to make them genderless. “People are stereotyping (形成刻板印象)...
,acculturation,andassentthatbeginsatbirth.Itisaclicheacutethathumanbeingsareoutoftouchwithnature,andthatmorethanafewofusareoutoftouchwithreality.Thefactis, 44 whenweareintouch,it'snotwithsomegivennaturalworldorsome 45 existingreality.Beingintouchwithnaturemeansacting 46 learnedresponsetothenaturalworld.Asamatte...
“Human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels, add an extra seven billion metric tons per year” (“Global Warming”). To explain, what this shows is that nature is already creating greenhouse gasses and people are adding even more to the atmosphere. While people strive on ...
Many of us think, wrongly, that the moon doesn't change. For example, the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Ruoxu once wrote that "Generations have come and passed away; From year to year the moons look alike, old and new." However, a new study published in the journal Nature Geoscience shows ...
"According to the natural law of climate change, the glaciers won't disappear in a short time. However, excessive human activities could worsen the situation of glacier retreat," Wang said. To protect the glaciers, China has taken a variety of counter-measures. Last June, the CAS re-launche...
Although increased transparency can benefit human-automation interaction, designers should be cautious of the fact that increased transparency may also lead humans to over-rely on incorrect automated advice. Automation confidence had no net benefit on the accuracy of automation use. However, there was ...
1.Scientists may reject mystic revelations for which there is no evidence except somebody' say-s,but they hardly believe their knowledge of Nature to be complete. 2.Science by itself cannot advocate courses of human actio,but it can certainly illuminate the possible consequences of alternative co...
15. A) They are part of their nature. B) They are subject to change. C) They are related to culture. D) They are beyond control. SectionC Directions:In this section, you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played...
But does Mother Nature agree? Animals can’t talk, but can they lie with their bodies and behavior? Animal experts may not call it lying, but they do agree that many animals behave dishonestly to fool other animals. Dishonesty often helps them survive(生存). Many kinds of birds are very...
The implicit claim here is that gender and race are merely overlaid onto bodies which, “underneath it all,” are just human. While the attempt to remove race and gender from the hiring process has at its goal the possibility of assessing all humans equally, it overlooks the fact that hist...