Idolatry, in Judaism and Christianity,the worship of someone or something other than God as though it were God. The first of the biblical Ten Commandments prohibits idolatry: “You shall have no other gods before me.” What are examples of idolatry? The definition of fidolatry is extreme admi...
People living in small... communes. Where no social class existed, everybody was equal, no private possession, everything was shared and belonged to the... community. That kind of social structures still exist in Africa for example. What is FrühSozialismus (Early Socialism, Ut...
Those authors or sites mentioned who have been removed from the Media-Quest siteseem to think, at least at times, that Islam or some version thereof might co-exist with western civilization.Again, nothing could be further from the truth or more dangerous.It should be the civic duty of every...
It took a while for The Commandments to be accepted, even by God. In fact, a case can be made that Moses attributed God because who in the hell would believe a guy who wanders off on his own behind a hill to think in the middle of an exodus? ...
Fascism in Europe is dead, so the "Jew" problem does not exist. However, there are many people of Jewish descent in America, especially in New York. Politicians have to get their votes, especially in a place with as many votes as New York. With the world changing as it is, America ...
A fellow who I had met there who had such a great love and intense connection to the Jewish faith that he made a decision that he was going to convert to Judaism. He had been very intensely involved in his church for all of his life. And we became very close, I even went down to...