grpc 1.6.1 What did you expect to see? grpc-okhttp of grpc 1.6.1 contains okhttp 2.5.0 ,but I want to use okhttp 3.0 because I need use it for andriod glide. I can't compaile different okhttp's version for andriod 's appMember...
I use nginx as a proxy server of grpc server. I expect nginx server can take an upstream server as unavialble when the upstream server return a response with error code 502. However, nginx server didn't work as expected. nginx server didn't take the upstream server as unavailable, and ...
What does "Bad gRPC response. HTTP status code: 401" mean as response in Microsoft Graph?lignumai 5 Reputation points May 1, 2023, 9:59 PM I try to use the Microsoft Graph API to access appointments in Microsoft Bookings because I want to be able to automatically delete appointments. I ...
particularly on Linux. As you will see in ProgrammableWeb's case study regarding's implementation of gRPC, HTTP/2 provides a workaround to the network connection limitations imposed by the Linux kernel. In HTTP/1.1, each request and response requires a sole connection. HTTP/2 supports...
A complete understanding of partner-facing ReST, GRPC APIs, and GraphQL A Bachelor’s degree in product management, computer science, or any related field (It is important but not necessary) A Master’s degree (preferred but not necessary) Five or more years of experience in product management...
Why Use PubSubHubbub Instead of Webhooks? Part 1 of this series describes how Webhooks functionality works and defines why you'd use it. Of course, PubSubHubbub relies on Webhooks to do its job, which may cause you to ask the question of why you even need PubSubHubbub; using Webhooks...
Does Envoy work as a normal http proxy or must you use Grpc? I read lots of articles about this last weekend and the weekend before. However, some seem to say that Envoy is a restful alternative (GRPC) and some say it supports both HTTP and GRPC. It would be good to see a http ...
In this new world, these embedded proxies and sidecars mediate all ingress and egress traffic for the services in the mesh, provide dynamic service discovery, load balancing, TLS termination, HTTP2 and gRPC Remote Procedure Call proxying, health checks, staged rollouts and metrics for ...
grpc_listen_port: 0 log_level: error positions: filename: /tmp/positions.yaml clients: - url: http://localhost:3101/loki/api/v1/push scrape_configs: - job_name: flog_scrape docker_sd_configs: - host: unix:///var/run/docker.sock ...
Check the installation and configuration of gRPC-C++ in the project. 2. Resolving the Problem: Fix the missing issue by either regenerating the module map or correctly linking the library. Ensure that the Pods are properly integrated and build without errors. 3. Testing the Solution: Build the...