413 Does Group B Strep(GBS) Colonization Shorten the Latency Phase of Patients with Preterm Premature Rupture of Membranes (PPROM)?doi:10.1016/S0002-9378(12)91578-1NoneAmerican Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
The bacteria that causes group B strep normally lives in the intestine, vagina, or rectal areas. Group B strep colonization is not a sexually transmitted disease (STD). For most women there are no symptoms of carrying the GBS bacteria. It naturally occurs. How does someone get group B ...
This may improve treatment outcomes for patients with IBD by hastening the administration of appropriate interventions and providing an alternative therapeutic target in an area of unmet clinical need. Methods Statistics and reproducibility Due to the nature of the study, no statistical method was used...
treatment of viral infections focuses on symptom relief, not fighting the virus. For example, cold medicine helps alleviate the pain and congestion associated with the cold, but it doesn't act directly on the cold virus.
However, abundance of this phylum showed an alteration over time before treatment (between D-30 and D-1, p = 0.07, Fried- man test) but not during treatment (between D-1 and D35, p = 0.57, Friedman test). At lower taxonomic ranks, three families (Streptococ- caceae, ...
faecium from documented human infection was universally susceptible to quinupristin–dalfopristin,203,204 which was hailed as a unique hope for the treatment of VRE and other resistant Gram-positive organ- isms. However, it was soon noted that another streptogramin, vi...
54 The temporal effect on survival was demonstrated in other studies as well; a retrospective subgroup analysis of patients in GISSI-1 trial showed that in patients randomized to streptokinase (or control treatment) within 1 hour of symptom onset, there was a 51% reduction in mortality (...
Natural killer (NK) cells play a critical role in the fight against tumour development and, therefore, hold great promise as an immunotherapeutic inter- vention for the treatment of breast cancer3–5. A more profound understanding of NK cell biology and function is, however, still needed for ...
Underwater Delivery Does Not Appear to Raise Group B Strep Risk in Mothers or Their Children.FULTON, DENISE
duration of 1st stage of labor, length of ruptured membranes, meconium, chorioamnionitis, Group B Strep status, indications for C-Section, antibiotics, wound treatment, wound culture, wound dressing, time to full closure, number of visits for wound care (home, office), and need for repeat pr...