This study investigates the association between audit committees’ (ACs) financial expertise and the implementation of accretive repurchases as a strategic method for real earnings management (REM). The study also examines empirical data about the influe
In this study, the focus was on firm-specific variables that have proven to exert a significant impact on CAPS in most studies. Hence, the size and age of the firm, as well as the dividend payout ratio, are examined as control variables. The following table clarifies the way in which ...
I. (2009). Corporate governance structure and firm performance in developing economies: Evidence from Nigeria. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 9(3), 231–243. Article Google Scholar Elangkumaran, P., & Karthika, T. (2013). An analysis of liquidity, ...
If you’re skilled in search engine optimization or social media marketing, dropshipping could be a great fit.The primary goal of dropshippers is to drive traffic to an online store using platforms such as Google, YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. Dropshippers leverage content marketing and an ...
In Rwanda, only 20% of sexually active unmarried young women use family planning as compared to 64% of married women. Adolescence is an important time of growth and development that often includes the initiation of sexual activity. Sexually active adoles
Customers in the US, the UK and Canada can send money, and current receiving countries include Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Tanzania and Uganda. Although the range of sending and receiving countries is limited, Wave is planning to introduce money transfer services to more countries as the company ...
In this context, this work performs a two-phase assessment of 9 electrification projects combining different systems and located in 6 rural Peruvian communities. First, a qualitative analysis is performed to monitor the progress experienced by the communities, considering previous evaluations carried out...
As of Nigeria case, it ascertains that multiple tax schemes reduce incentives to pay tax or for voluntary compliance; in an adverse manner, the current Nigerian system does not motivate taxpayers while inducing voluntary compliance (Ezeoha and Ogamba, 2010Ezeoha & Ogamba, 2010). However, when...
2017. An overview of Hofstede-inspired country-level culture research in international business since 2006. Journal of International Business Studies, 48: 30–47. Article Google Scholar Burns, T., & Stalker, G. M. 1961. The management of ...
Moreover, we observed that healthcare expenditure has a significant positive impact on LE, implying that higher healthcare expenditure would increase LE. This result is consistent with previous studies of Owumi et al. (2021) on Nigeria, Nkemgha et al. (2021) on Cameroon, and Martín Cervantes...