Apple Maps doesn't recognize my home address My address never comes up with Apple Maps but works with Google, Waze, and others. Is there a way that I can get Apple Maps to recognize my home address? [Re-Titled by Moderator] 2 years ago 2814 4 Maps apps on CarPlay do not work ...
The compact design of the AI box is sleek and unobtrusive, fitting neatly into your car without occupying valuable space. Whether you're looking to stream music from Spotify, navigate with Google Maps, or make hands-free calls, the CarlinKit 5.0 & CarlinKit 4.0 deliver a seamless and ...
in MapPage.xaml.cs i use for android var filePath = Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory.AbsolutePath; for Android this will work.when i want it to build for iOS i get the following error The name 'Android' does not exist in the current context using Xamarin.Forms.Platform...
to use the Uber Driver app, and Uber warns it typically uses about 2GB of data per month. The app also reduces battery life, so we recommend getting a qualityphone chargerto ensure you don’t have to ask your passengers to turn on Google Maps. A solid car mount is a must-have, too...
I am trying to build a splash screen with a video in Xamarin Forms Android on Visual Studio 2019. Xamarin Forms version I am trying to open a video file "Intro.mp4" located in the Resources/drawable folder. The video's build action is set to "AndroidAsset" and it already ...
Hi I am using Xamarin.Forms.Editor with height request given. When I edit it or enter new line I am able to scroll till end. But when we launch it with pre-filled text (where text is more than its height) then it does not scroll and only few lines are visible. If we edit and ...
neither of these work. I am guessing because the url is pointing to my local file system, but I cannot find where the correct link is stored (in this example, should be ideas where Xamarin iOS keeps the link that has been clicked?
GooglePlayServices.Base 42.1021.1' Could not load assembly Parse. Perhaps it doesn't exist in the Mono for Android profile? Could not load file or assembly System.Private.corelib. Could not load type of field 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.AppLinks.AndroidAppLinks Could not resolve this ...
GooglePlayServices.Base 42.1021.1' Could not load assembly Parse. Perhaps it doesn't exist in the Mono for Android profile? Could not load file or assembly System.Private.corelib. Could not load type of field 'Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.AppLinks.AndroidAppLinks Could not resolve this ...
With iOS 12 and later, Apple allows you to use third-party navigation apps in CarPlay. Thus, you can try Google Maps or Waze if you're not a fan of Apple Maps. Overall, Apple is more selective about the apps that work with CarPlay than Google is with Android Auto apps. Thus, you...