Why does God allow people to suffer? (Originated from Knight-Ridder Newspapers)Thompson, Joy
FAQ: Hold on. Now that I'm thinking about children, I realize I still have a problem with all the suffering I see in the world. You just told me about a perfectly loving God, but you didn't explain why He allows so much pain and suffering?
Lysa TerKeurst:I think whatEmbracewill do for people is bring them back to that core reason God created us—and that was for intimacy with Him. If we can believe that God is with us, then we truly will feel a closeness with Him, and fears will dim in the light of His presence; o...
aGod does not want you to suffer the divine sentence of sickness that is already in the world, so He has given you a way of escape, paid for by the blood of His Son. He wants you to be healthy and whole, without the diseases of the world, and He has made this possible for you...
约伯记 8:3–6 — GOD’S WORD Translation (GW) 3Does God distort justice, or does the Almighty distort righteousness? 4If your children sinned against him, he allowed them to suffer the consequences of their sinfulness. 5If you search for God ...
Weinandy in his book Does God Suffer? starts from the axiom of divine apathy, rather than that he argues for it. He criticizes the hermeneutic implicit in Weinandy’s interpretation of 1 Samuel 15, and proposes an alternative approach. Moreover, he criticizes Weinandy’s appeal to agreement...
If God exists and cares about us, why let us suffer? hell Many world religions teach that God loves us―but also that he will allow many people to burn in hell forever, without any hope of escape. Is this the best solution God can come up with?
... The root of suffer is the Latin word sufferre, to bear, undergo, or endure. Where is God found? Answer: answer:: God found in everywhere. God can be found in the company of the worker tilling the soil . the almighty is in the company of the stone breaker who toils to earn ...
For much of history, Leprosy was thought to be either inflicted by God, caused bymiasmaor “bad air,” or a congenital condition passed down through families. In 1873, however, Norwegian physician Gerhard Armauer Hansen discovered that the disease was actually caused by the microorganismMycobact...
Some people's eyes staring yourself, so long does not think highly of the near; always complaining, make others sick. No suffer a bitter, sweet sweet? Not as fragile as glass, but should be as transparent as Crystal, Sun splendor, Calyx canthus be strong. Since opening my eyes to enjoy...