Is he not God, after all, and so in full and perfect possession of certainty about everything? Hope is for humans; indeed, it is peculiarly fitted to our creaturely state, which is that of Homo Viator, of being on the way, and thus not having yet arrived. Which means, of course,...
Every human being is appointed to die once and then face the judgment seat of God (Hebrews 9:27)), where every knee will bow, and tongue will confess (Philippians 2:10-11). This is the future for all men and women. The time is appointed for us by God, not by our choosing, no ...
But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (Ephesians 2:4-5). And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony (Colossians 3:14). ...
Ironically, if you asked every single person in the world who believes in God to tell you who or what God actually is, you would probably get a different answer from nearly everyone. Because of the work that I do, I have personally asked thousands of people over the years who say they ...
why god made a girl why google rank stabi why have you become d why i cant tell you w why i cry why im still married why in dreams do i su why in the world why is he moving away why is it so why isnt mrs lees cat why johnny cant brand why learn english why let we meet wh...
Every human being has divine and spiritual essences within him and surrounding him, and that is our connection to the spiritual worlds. By studying Torah and also by fulfilling the Commandments, we become attached to the spiritual universe. ...
The object of gratitude can be humans or non-humans such as nature, animals, and God (Solomon 1976). Gratitude has been defined as “the willingness to recognize the unearned increments of value in one’s experience” (Bertocci and Millard 1963), and “an estimate of gain coupled with ...
“We are not to look to what men in themselves deserve but to attend to the image of God which exists in all and to which we owe all honor and love.”– John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. ...
Every human being has within him an ideal man, just as every piece of marble contains in a rough state a statue as beautiful as the one that Praxiteles the Greek made of the god Apollo.Greek myth is comprised of many Gods and Goddesses and the stories of how they came to be and of ...
May God bless and strengthen our true, dynamic, active, God’s centric chuches in Jesus’ name Every man, according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7 ...