They consider themselves God’soneandonlygift to mankind even though they might not have cracked the Bible or Quran open in their lives. They are the manufacturers of the greatest ‘gaslighting‘ the world has never known; they willratherlet the family or the community or even the world at ...
5. My god! 天哪! 6. No way! 不行! 7. Come on. 来吧(赶快) 8 分享81 龙腾网吧 十里寒塘路º▫ 【龙腾★美国】美国可以向中国学习什么?看美国网民怎么说译者:unknown 译文摘要: 他们喝很多白开水,常常回避碳酸饮料,咖啡红茶等流行的一类饮料 译文来源: 原文地址:【】 正文翻译: What ca...