Does God allow evil? What is the difference in God’s Omni-Presence and God’s Manifest Presence? What is evil? Did God really sanction the violence in the Old Testament? Tough Questions Answered 1. The serpents in the wilderness?
Why We Suffer: Why does God allow Evil, Sickness, Suffering and Pain to Exist in this World?Robin Sacredfire
Genesis 50:20-21 you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, to bring it about that many people should be kept alive, as they are today. So do not fear Acts 2:23 Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed ...
and I think for us to realize that we need an other-worldly type of love to overcome that kind of evil; a love that is actually cruciform. Jesus himself absorbs that evil through his suffering on the cross. Then we also should understand that sometimes God allows what He can hardly...
What is the real breadth of the problem of evil? Of all the different types of theisms that might be out there, which one does it really target? And I think that it targets primarily perfect being theism where you’ve got these tri-omnis. The omnibenevolent God, the om...
Why allow evil? If a loving God exists, why won’t he end human suffering? WHAT IS JUSTICE? How can a loving God leave anyone in endless torment? 1 2 3 4 PROBLEMS It’s okay to ask questions. If the thought of a God who abandons most of his creation in...
Evil affects everyone. No matter who you are, or where you live, you’ve suffered through some sort of struggle in your life. It’s hard for people to imagine that an all-powerful, all-good, in control God would allow his people to suffer through these difficulties in their lives. As...
Many argue, "Why would an all-powerful, all-loving God allow pain and suffering?" The only way to begin answering this question is to view our fallen world from God's perspective. You see, God dwells in the dimension of eternity. His primary objective is to love us and have us love ...
December 1, 2021 Image Credit: Erik Mclean from Pexels In this blast from the past, J. Warner Wallace examines another aspect of the classic “Problem of Evil”. Why would an all-lovingandall-powerful God allow people to commit horrific crimes? Doesn’t He have the power to stop...
So, what does it all Mean? Why does God allow Evil? Freedom is so precious to God and Love is so important to him that he is willing to endure the evil and destruction that men do in order that through his mercy, we might turn to him in love, be saved, and love him in return...