当配置免密码登录的时候 ssh -T git@github.com 验证这一步提示出了这样一句话,并且git push命令也推送不上去 这句话到不是说配置错误了,只是一句提示语 如果要解决git push 不成功,可以这样做 git remote set-url origin git@github.com:用户名/仓库名.git 这样就可以了...
direct commit to GitLab) and many things are never triggered, which involves Slack Notifications Service project integration. I didn't test, but I assume many other features (integrations and similar) would not work with Git/SVN Mirror when the commit is coming from SVN to...
HTTPSSSHSVNSVN+SSH下载ZIP 该操作需登录 Gitee 帐号,请先登录后再操作。 立即登录没有帐号,去注册 提示 下载代码请复制以下命令到终端执行 为确保你提交的代码身份被 Gitee 正确识别,请执行以下命令完成配置 git config --global user.name userName git config --global user.email userEmail ...
GitLab自动触发Jenkins构建 本章节通过方式一为例,来触发Jenkins构建。 操作步骤 登录GitLab,进入代码仓库。 单击“Settings”,选择“Webhooks”,在右下角的“Test”下拉框,选择“Push events”。 在浏览器地址栏输入http://{安装Jenkins的Linux虚拟机IP}:8080,登录Jenkins。
利用Docker搭建Gitlab代码仓库 Linux下如何查看系统启动时间和运行时间 CentOS6.8设置开机直接进入命令行模式 Atlas 安装和配置 centos安装zsh 实现Zabbix跨域监控 net use与shutdown配合使用重启远程服务器 免费实现服务器登录手机短信通知 mysql服务器主从服务器设置 用svn搭建服务器 SqlServer 无法为可更新的订阅设置发布...
We recently encounter an issue with git-lfs. Here is our situation at the moment. We migrated our code repo to GitLab from SVN a few years ago. At the time, our GitLab didn't turn on LFS. Our project has been working fine. A couple of weeks ago, GitLab admin decided to turn on...
wrote. And when I started at Jane Street, that phrase was alarming to me. When I picture an in-house code review tool, I think of this very ugly web tool with programmer CSS that kind of works sometimes. And it wants to be GitHub/GitLab but it’s just a worse version of all of...
Description: TImage TextOut function does not handle 'new line', 'carriage return' characters properly in Win32. I was not able to check if the same problem applies to TPaintBox as similar code as below does not show anything on the screen in Win98 (I will enter a separate bug report)...
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn Feb 1, 2025 snap/local Add snap specific patch in snap dir Aug 31, 2023 .flatpak-manifest.json Add complex number support to knumber library Jan 29, 2025 .flatpak-manifest.json.license Add Flatpak CI/CD Integration ...