TO THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN DUMPING GARBAGE IN FRONT OF OUR HOUSE AND IN OUR BIN: An emergency doctor lives here. When you dump garbage here, and the animals make a mess of it, we spend our time cleaning it up. For your sake and that of your relatives and friends who may end up ...
Governmental units are outsourcing education, ambulance services, repair and maintenance services, garbage pickup, landfills, and food services among other things. In the private sector, BP Amoco just outsourced their accounting function to PricewaterhouseCoopers for $1.1 billion.If you are in charge...
” she says. “I don’t really see them delivering their stuff, so I don’t get troubled by diesel fumes. Garbage trucks tend to move, rather than idle—like other trucks that sit
there are no beds, and patients lie head-to-toe on hallway floors. Health workers are clad in protective gear they have made themselves out of garbage bags. Most of them fall ill; many die. I find myself wishing I hadn’t watched. ...
garbage gapt gall galaxies gala gadgets fuzzy futility fudo fruitful fronts frontage frenzy frankfurters frankfurt fragmentary fostered fortified forties forte formations forks forgetting forerunner forensic fore flushed flooring floated fletcher fleeting flattered flatly flannagan fishermen firearms filthy fiery ...
Secondly, a poorly maintained compost heap could be worse than a well maintained garbage dump. Some well maintained dumps inject oxygenated water into their systems, reduce methane, and speeding up decomposition. Really high-tech dumps can recover the methane, and turn it into fuel. ...