B. FTP:控制端口(21)和数据端口(20)均基于TCP,依赖TCP连接传输文件。 C. TELNET:远程登录协议,默认TCP端口23,需可靠连接维持会话。 D. TFTP:使用UDP端口69,基于无连接的UDP协议,无需建立可靠传输,因此不依赖TCP。 综上,TFTP是唯一不使用TCP的协议,但属于TCP/IP协议族中的UDP部分。问题中的“TCP/IP”可能指...
TCP port 21:Used for FTP. Vulnerable due to the unencrypted nature of the involved transmission. TCP port 23:Used for Telnet remote operations. The text communications are unencrypted TCP/UDP port 53:Used for zone transfers for maintaining the DNS database. Hackers can use it to target vulnera...
TCP/IP协议号:【2】IGMP(Internet组管理协议) TCP/IP协议号:【1】ICMP(含38种类型) 多生成树协议MSTP nginx将Gzip换成Brotli Nginx防止网站被恶意域名解析收录 禁止未绑定域名和IP访问80及443端口 更改WordPress后台登录地址 CentOS7增加多个SSH端口 wordpress中安装插件需要ftp服务 TCP/IP协议号:【0】IPv6 逐跳...
which is pushed as an encrypting mechanism dedicated to the secure login sessions to access various network devices. SSH tends to encrypt, thus by encrypting it can create suitable VPNs for different other similar functioning application layer protocols, for example, FTP and HTTP. ...
Take enterprise office as an example. In addition to the basic web browsing and email services, services such as Telnet-based device login, remote video conferences, real-time voice calls, FTP file upload and download, and video playback must also have their network quality guaranteed during bus...
For example, hypertext transfer protocol is what we use to view Web sites through a browser -- that's what the http at the front of any Web address stands for. If you've ever used an FTP server, you relied on the file transfer protocol. Protocols like these and dozens more create ...
1、安装vsftpd,直接yum 安装 出现如下信息就表示安装成功了 2、配置FTP用户登陆 (1)创建ftp用户 (2)更新ftp用户密码 连续输入两次密码,出现如下提示表示修改成功 (3)修改vsftp主配置文件 键盘输入“i”,进入编辑模式,修改如下两个配置,修改完按 ESC键,然后输入 :wq 保存配... ...
Application layer association protects data transmitted over sessions of a specific protocol, such asOSPF,BGP, and FTP. After such a session is established, the protocol-based default CPCAR value no longer takes effect. Instead, the device uses the CPCAR value configured for the protocol in applic...
For example, hypertext transfer protocol is what we use to view Web sites through a browser -- that's what the http at the front of any Web address stands for. If you've ever used an FTP server, you relied on the file transfer protocol. Protocols like these and dozens more create ...
(By "avoid", for a TCP app like FTP, the drops will have the sender back-off its transmission rate. If the other app was something UDP based, which did not have any app flow rate control, ingress to the router wouldn't change, but the egress interface queue depth ...