The FLSA uses 40 hours per week as the threshold for determining when non-exempt employees, whether hourly or salaried, are entitled to overtime pay. Depending on their organization’s goals or their level of responsibility, some salaried employees may work beyond 40 hours. Do salaried employees...
Does Nevada's Paid Leave Law include salaried employees? A federal law that requires employers to provide up to 12 weeks' unpaid leave to eligible employees for the birth or adoption of a child; to care for a sick parent, child, or spouse; or to take care of health problems that interfe...
According to the FLSA, employers are only required to pay terminated employees’ wages through their last day of work, as well as for any time the employee had built up (i.e., unused vacation days). That being said, many companies do offer severance pay and/or packages. It’s important...
Generally, hourly workers are eligible for overtime pay, while certain salaried employees may be exempt. However, the specifics can be complex and often require careful consideration of job duties and compensation levels. When hiring in the U.S., the FLSA requires employers to pay their ...
TheFair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)only requires you to pay employees for the time they have worked. This includesovertime pay in the case of non-exempt employees. The only exception, as we mentioned above, is in the case of federal employees who are entitled to receive holiday pay for all...
Overtime can seem complicated at times, but we’re here to help. In this article, we go over what overtime is, how much it pays, and who qualifies.