Did you know only about 7% of Americans are getting enough fiber in their diets, according to a study of over 14,600 adults? That means the majority of us need to increase our fiber intake. But what is dietary fiber anyway, and why is it important to get
Adding ajowan or ajowan+probiotic led to a significant (P<0.05) increase in live body weight gain and feed intake compared to rabbits fed A FB1 alone. The digestion coef- ficients of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude fiber (CF), ether extract (EE), nitrogen-free extract (...
Juicing is a huge rage right now - did you know that the soluble fiber your microbes feed off of is in the liquid portion of the juice? This is why it's so effective in helping so many people change and become healthier. But you can also find these special fibers that microbes love ...
While butyrate is common in animal foods, plant foods rich in dietary fiber, especially prebiotic fiber, can boost your levels. That said, it’s good to remember that these foods do not directly provide SCFA. Instead, they help feed your good gut bacteria, which prompts the production of SC...
Probiotics are also very important! Probiotic supplements are an effective way to restore and maintain a healthy balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut. When your levels of good bacteria improve, they’ll help to crowd out the ‘bad’ bacteria and yeast. Probiotic bacteria help to prevent ha...
By the time food reaches the large intestine in a dog, most of the nutrients have been absorbed into the body. So the primary role of the large intestine is to absorb water and to partially ferment dietary fiber. This process is responsible for the (not so) rare occasion on which your ...
The digestive system of the body is responsible for the breakdown of the foods we eat into small enough particles that they can be used by our cells. We need food in order to receive the energy that is stored within it, which powers our body....
Removing the pulp, fiber, pith and seeds etc . . as done with juicing, will lesson the concentration of nutrition available. Secondly, if He created said fruit that contains pulp, fiber, pith and seeds . . . there is a reason/purpose for it. Research is and has been revealing new find...
Is yogurt a good food for the immune system? BENEFITS OF PROBIOTICS FOR DEFENSES How does yogurt benefit our defenses? Yogurt is a probiotic food, that is to say, it provides us with bacteria that are beneficial for our gut Yogurt contains lactic fermen
• Avoid foods that are spicy or that are high in fiber. Both of these can cause an upset stomach. Popsicles are usually a good idea as they can help hydrate as well as soothe. Crackers or even mac and cheese are also options. ...