{=IFERROR(INDEX(data[Year],SMALL(IF(($F3=data[Unique ID]),(ROW(data[Unique ID])-2),""),COLUMN(A$1))),"")} Regards, Faraz Shaikh | MCT, MIE, MOS Master, Excel Expert Riny_van_Eekelen Hi Riny, Thank you very much for responding and for taking the time to...
I have a file which has 2 date columns first column has more blank values than date values due to which the entire column is shown as text when I filter on it.I tried using Format cells ,Datevalue,t... rprsridharHi, I have converted the column to Date but the filters ...
Export to excel in .net core 3.1 Razor pages and ClosedXML Export a list to Excel using closed xml Export xlsx in ASP.NET Core - cannot open a file. Expression.Or with multiple parameters Facing error 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbUpdateConcurrencyException' when input control disabled! Fai...
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond A page can have only one server-side Form tag.-- What is the error ? A potentially dangerous Request.Form valu...
If data type (text, date, people picker, etc.) within the Excel sheet is the problem, then you will need to check the columns within the file. Try creating a new list from an existing list that uses common data types such as a single line of text, date, and people picker. If you...
Replies have been turned off for this discussion Walter Dropbox Staff 5 years ago Hi atdoan11; welcome to our Community! Since I'm not quite sure to what you're referring here, can you send me a screenshot so I can have a visual too? While we're at it,...
Yet another possibility is that the CEO’s ability to excel academically, regardless of the education type, stems from unobservable innate qualities that can also benefit firm performance. Certo et al. (2016) affirms that when several potential sources are likely to account for the endogenous ...
Did you ever have the memory replaced or upgraded? It is unusual to see just a single stick of memory on an iMac from the factory which may indicate one of your memory modules or memory slot may have failed. If this is the original Apple memory, how much memory should this iMac have....
There is a utility – Super Filter of Kutools for Excel which can directly filter data does not begin/end with a string, also can achieve the operation the built-in Filter function cannot do. After free installing Kutools for Excel (30-day free trial), please do as below steps. ...
✅ W11 File Explorer over network Date Modified does not update, must click refresh:In Windows 11, 23H2 and 22H2, if a user has file explorer open to a network location, sorted by Date Modified, opens an older office file Word, Excel,...