Anticonvulsant - Reduce seizures in epilepsy.15 Frequently Asked Questions Your favorite budtender is a great resource if you have questions. Here are a few of the most common we hear. Can I consume THCA without experiencing psychoactive effects?You can consume THCA, which is a non-psychoactive...
Everyone has occasional highs and lows in their moods. But people with bipolar disorder have extreme mood changes. They can go from feeling very sad, despairing, helpless, worthless, and hopeless (depression) to feeling as if they are on top of the world, hyperactive, creative, irritable or ...
MEANWHILE, back on the farm:Just back on the farm actually, after a lovely long weekend in Oregon visiting grandchildren. Lucky us, the fall colors have faded here, but were in stunning in Eugene. The main event at the farmthis week is the arrival of Little Big Man. The ram arrived on...
Even if a person with depression is getting enough sleep, they may not wake up feeling refreshed because the quality of sleep is often lower than that experienced by a person who does not have depression. Research shows that many people with depression and other mental health conditions, such ...
can result in someone experiencing withdrawal which only exhibits mild tremors initially, but through repeated episodes can progress to full blown convulsive seizures. This seems to be the case even if they had drank the same amounts of alcohol for the same duration prior to each withdrawal ...
He wouldn’t want to accidentally remove an irreplaceable chunk of neurons on his way to the knob of tissue that has been causing the woman’s seizures—a spot known as an epileptic focus. Ojemann makes a cut in the side of the woman’s temporal lobe, which is above the ear, avoiding...
For centuries legend has held that full moons make people go crazy. Full moons have been linked in popular culture with a rise in suicides and even epileptic seizures, but there's little to no scientific evidence backing these ideas up. [Learnmore about the full moonandthe "supermoon"] ...
"On the not-so-healthy side, if someone has an alcohol use disorder, obviously stopping cold can lead to severe withdrawals, seizures and even death," Appleton warned. "Understanding one’s relationship with alcohol is imperative before deciding to cut it off completely and suddenly." Participati...