Selling Kelly a tapeworm (“That wasn’t a tapeworm.”) Understanding pirate code. (He can’t speak it.) Watching with glee as Dwight clung to a high-wire. (“Not bad for a day in the life of a dog food company.”) I’ve always wondered just how much actual Creed Bratton was in...
This lice pictures page is designed to give pet owners a visual guide to the common lice species (louse species) infesting domestic animals and answer the commonly-asked questions: "what is lice?" and "what does lice look like?" Everyone knows that they need to protect their pet cats, ...
We also have fine layingchickens(5 others were killed this week by an owl—I’m so sad!) and 3 little goslings that are also pretty adorbs. They who should grow into some fierce protectors for the chickens. On top of that, we have a big garden and fruit and nut trees. Other times ...