Deciding whether or not to go with LASIK and choosing the right provider can be a stressful time in your life. It seems like everyone is just trying to sell you their services instead of honestly answering your questions. Doctors can basically charge you whatever they choose. And, there simpl...
When someone experiences blindness, their brain starts to form new connections to strengthen other senses. Over time, they learn to rely on these senses to compensate for their loss of vision. TheWorld Health Organizationstates that more than half the cases of blindness worldwide are caused bycat...
Intervertebral disc (IVD) degeneration is a common cause of low back pain in diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) patients. Its pathogenesis and the vitamin (vit.) K2 influence on this disease remain unclear. Lumbar motion segments of male Zucker Diabetes Fat
Everyone has cells that remove bone in their body and other cells that re-build bone. This ongoing process is part of what keeps your bones strong. But when you have postmenopausal osteoporosis, the bone-removing cells cause you to lose bone at a rate that is too fast. ...
Everyone with diabetes should have an annual eye exam to determine if diabetic retinal findings are detected and if treatment is necessary. Other Conditions We offer a full range of ophthalmic services across our family of practices to help with the diagnosis and treatment of many eye diseases ...