6 ways sex can make you look younger Promotes skin elasticity: Regular sexual activity is associated with higher levels of estrogen, which is key for supporting skin health by increasing collegen production and hyaluronic acid content, which is a natural moisturizer. Improved moisturization and collag...
Estrogen goes on a roller coaster ride Starting from your late thirties, your estrogen could fluctuate and soar tohigher than when you were younger—only to crash down again to almost nothing. Over and over again, month after month. I call this the estrogen roller coaster of perimenopause. Sy...
Ginseng or maca root are examples of ingredients that could improve blood flow if present in such pills, resulting in improved skin health and thus making you look younger and more vibrant than before through the provision of nutrients to skin cells as well as hydration improvement and the ...
The ratio oftestosterone:estrogen(t:e) – for both younger men and older women – can be used as a predictor of someone’s overall systemic inflammatory load. With healthy t:e ratios, you’re bound to have less inflammation. With imbalanced t:e ratios, you’re more likely to have a lo...
(bone absorbers). The result is increasing bone length and size. As we age, our bodies begin to produce more estrogens (yes even in men). This circulating estrogen causes the growth plates to close and become solid bone. They do this by increasing the rate of apoptosis (cell death) of ...
By raising estrogen levels, a sex hormone linked to higher breast cancer risk. Emerging scientific and clinical evidence shows a clear relationship between alcohol consumption and risk for the various types of cancer listed below. Head and Neck Cancers ...
Higher levels of estrogen and progesterone can cause uterine fibroids. As mentioned earlier, menopause can make fibroids smaller. Below are some of the treatment options available: Watchful waiting: Uterine fibroids are not malignant and usually have mild symptoms. So, your physician might suggest tha...