Sudden onset of erectile dysfunction(ED) may be a sign ofprostate cancerand needs medical evaluation. Erectile dysfunctions may also occur after the therapy for prostatecancerincluding surgery, radiotherapy, and hormonal therapy. Sexual problems, such as erectile dysfunction or ejaculation problems, may ...
If your prostate is enlarged, you may have pain when you ejaculate.4It's also possible that an infected pocket called an abscess can form on the penis. Any of these growths can cause pain when you're having sex or ejaculating. Priapism Most of the time, erections go away after sex. ...
Your asexuality may affect your relationships, or it may not be a factor at all. Communication is key. Discuss your preferences with your partner. Let them know if you're comfortable with some amount of physical or sexual contact, or not. Talk about their sexual needs, too. Ask each othe...