How much energy is released in anaerobic and aerobic respiration? What is the use of the oxygen in cellular respiration? What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration? Which process yields the most energy and why? What is anaerobic respiration in bacteria?
The photosynthesis is an important process in plants. What are the two phases of photosynthesis? What is photosynthesis and what is the basic way that plants turn solar energy into food? What gas is produced during photosynthesis? What is photosynthesis? How does it differ from respiration?
What happens to the food Synthesised in photosynthesis? Absorbed light energy is used to convert carbon dioxide (from the air) and water (from the soil)into a sugar called Oxygenis released as a by-product. Some glucose is used for respiration, while some is converted into insoluble starch ...
- The carbon dioxide released by plants during respiration is crucial for photosynthesis, as it is used by plants to produce glucose and oxygen. Conclusion:- In summary, respiration in plants involves the intake of oxygen through stomata, diffusion to cells for energy production, and the release...
2. Chlorophyll in Reflected Light: - In reflected light, chlorophyll appears red. This phenomenon occurs due to fluorescence. When chlorophyll absorbs light energy, it becomes excited and then loses some of that energy. This energy is released as red light, which is why chlorophyll appears red ...
Dissolved oxygen (DO) refers to the concentration of oxygen gas incorporated in water. Oxygen enters water by direct absorption from the atmosphere, which is enhanced by turbulence (see Figure 1). Water also absorbs oxygen released by aquatic plants during photosynthesis. Sufficient DO is essential...
Cellular respiration is a key process of generating energy in the form of ATP, which is indispensable to any living organism on the planet. Two major types of cellular respiration are aerobic and anaerobic and based on the availability of oxygen that serves as an electro...
Biomass materials and other forms of renewable energy materials aim to be carbon negative or at the very least carbon neutral. Carbon neutral means that the carbon released during the use of the fuel is reabsorbed and balanced by the carbon absorbed by new plant growth during photosynthesis. ...
Explain how the chemicals released by burning fossil fuels can be absorbed by the natural cycles of the ecosystem and affect both local and global ecosystems. How do greenhouse gases influence global energy flow? How could the effects of global warming impact peatla...
animals. Through the process of photosynthesis, chlorophyll present in plants absorbs the energy from the sun by converting the carbon dioxide present in air and water from the ground into carbohydrates. When these plants are burned, the same energy is released into the air they captured from ...