Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), formerly known as electroshock therapy, involves triggering a short seizure in the brain using controlled electrical currents. ECT is notably effective in treating certain mental disorders, especially depression, but the reasons for its efficacy have long puzzled the f...
Pharmacokinetic interactions, however, did not influence the final antielectroshock effects of above-mentioned drug combinations. On the other hand, the brain concentrations of sotalol were not changed by second-generation antiepileptics used in this study. Conclusion Sotalol did not reduce the anti...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook AcronymDefinition ECSTElectro Convulsive Shock Therapy ECSTEuropean Carotid Surgery Trial ECSTEngineering, Computer Science, and Technology(California State University; Los Angeles, CA) ECSTÉcole de Coiffure Ste-Thérèse(French: Hairdressing School of Ste-Thérèse; St...
Acupuncture is a medical therapy that originated in China several thousand years ago and is rooted in a complex practice ritual based on a philosophy that predates our current understanding of physiology. Despite its long history, though, the intervention itself, particularly when coupled with electric...
Other notable words: Africanized bee, erectile dysfunction, gene therapy, Kwanzaa, physician's assistant, Tourette's syndrome From 1969 to 1971, the U.S. governmentsprayed 20 million gallonsof herbicides and defoliants includingAgent Orangeover vast areas of South Vietnam and neighboring regions dur...
Pharmacokinetic interactions, however, did not influence the final antielectroshock effects of above-mentioned drug combinations. On the other hand, the brain concentrations of sotalol were not changed by second-generation antiepileptics used in this study. Conclusion Sotalol did not reduce the anti...
This reflects real-world clinical practice, in which a physician often cannot defer the decision to initiate antibiotic therapy until a series of measurements have been taken because any delay in antibiotic therapy for sepsis increases mortality [1]. Third, comparing multiple markers in a single ...
ESTElectroshock Therapy ESTEnterprise Software Technology ESTEvangelical School of Theology(various locations) ESTEnglish for Science and Technology(various schools) ESTEnergy Saving Technology ESTElectronic Sell-Through ESTElectrical Safety Testing ESTEngagement Skills Trainer ...
reconstruction single bundle stem cell therapy sutures / knots / anchors total joint replacement transplantation log in sign-in to isakos forgot password? new to isakos? create a new account subscribe isakos tracks ankle / foot / calf elbow / wrist / hand hip / groin / thigh knee shoulder ...
had the task of administering electroshock treatment to mentally ill patients; sometimes, if that sounds barbaric, inducing insulin comas beforehand. He was an early asker of a question that medicine has confronted more widely since: why does consciousness have to be shaken so violently in order...