7. to deal with, fix, clean, arrange, etc., (anything) as the case may require: to do the dishes. 8. to travel; traverse: We did 30 miles today. 9. to serve; suffice for: This will do us for the present. 10. to condone or approve, as by custom or practice: That sort of...
Ngware, MosesCiera, JamesOketch, MosesMusyoka, Peter KatunduEzeh, Alex Chika
7. to deal with, fix, clean, arrange, etc., (anything) as the case may require: to do the dishes. 8. to travel; traverse: We did 30 miles today. 9. to serve; suffice for: This will do us for the present. 10. to condone or approve, as by custom or practice: That sort of...
7. to deal with, fix, clean, arrange, etc., (anything) as the case may require: to do the dishes. 8. to travel; traverse: We did 30 miles today. 9. to serve; suffice for: This will do us for the present. 10. to condone or approve, as by custom or practice: That sort of...