"3812ff"]};// 计算面积是geometre,roi是buffer后的var geometry=ee.FeatureCollection("users/smowry1/hbsk").filter(ee.Filter.eq("id",1));var buffer=geometry.first().get("buffer");var roi=geometry.geometry()
Error in map(ID=S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20210305T102055_20210305T102120_036862_0455BC_F64C): Dictionary.get: Dictionary does not contain key: bucketMeans. List (Error) Collection.toList: Error in map(ID=S1A_IW_GRDH_1SDV_20210305T102055_20210305T102120_036862_0455BC_F64C): Dictionary.get:...
"3812ff"]};// 计算面积是geometre,roi是buffer后的vargeometry=ee.FeatureCollection("users/smowry1/hbsk").filter(ee.Filter.eq("id",1));varbuffer=geometry.first().get("buffer");varroi=geometry.geometry().buffer(buffer
According to the APA, this multiaxial system was “introduced in part to solve a problem that no longer exists: Certain disorders, like personality disorders,received inadequate clinical and research focus. As a consequence, these disorders were designated to Axis II to ensure they received greater ...
('AVE_DSM').clip(imgGeom)varsigma0Pow=ee.Image.constant(10).pow(image.divide(10.0))// Article ( numbers relate to chapters)// 2.1.1 Radar geometryvartheta_i=image.select('angle')varphi_i=ee.Terrain.aspect(theta_i).reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.mean(),theta_i.get('system:footprint'),1000...
outlined in the Alternative Model for Personality Disorders (AMPD) of the Section III of the DSM-5 [84,85], and these traits seem to hold for the homotypic continuity of personality diagnoses in the lifespan [70]. Moreover, the dimensional diagnosis of PD of has been found to be a ...
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, Clinician Version (SCID CV) This user's guide provides instructions on how to use the SCID-5 effectively. The Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-5, Clinician Version, is a semistructured interview for making the DSM-5 diagnoses. It...
(3) previous treatment for any DSM-IV Axis I or II disorder; (4) chronic physical illness affecting the central nervous system; (5) consumption of either prescription or over-the-counter medication within two days of testing; (6) major life event in the past week; (7) cigarette smoking,...
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Is childhood disintegrative disorder in the DSM-5? How does Rett syndrome affect learning? What are the effects of psychoactive drugs on prenatal development? Is childhood disintegrative disorder a mental illness? Can a child outgrow auditory processing disorder? How are pregnancy outcomes affected by...